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Add the power of Google to your site.

Google's WebSearch enables your site visitors to search the Internet. With Google, your site visitors can search over 1 billion pages of the Internet.

Google's SiteSearch enables your site visitors to search just your site, making it easier for customers and partners to find what they are looking for on your website.

  • Custom WebSearch: A fully customizable way for you to offer Internet search on your portal or destination site. Custom language, country, and specialty searches available.
  • Custom SiteSearch: A fully customized way for users to search just your site. Our custom site search is guaranteed to cover all your site content with daily, weekly, or monthly refreshing options.
  • Silver/Gold Search: WebSearch and optional SiteSearch targeted at small to medium size sites. Customize many elements of your results pages and sell ads if you like.
  • University Search: SiteSearch with optional WebSearch free for universities and educational institutions. Full customizations available with no ads served.
  • Free Search: A no-cost way to add WebSearch and optional SiteSearch to your site, complete with your logo and customizations on the results pages. This service can be up and running in five minutes. (Google reserves the right to sell ads on the results pages.)
  • Buddy Link to Google: The fastest way to add Google search box to your site. A "cut and paste" solution that drives traffic to